Friday, November 29, 2013

Adaptation: Reminders & Talking Points for 12/5

1) On 12/5, our class will be held in the usual place but it will begin at 1 p.m.
2) Your Final Paper is due on 12/5.
3) If you want your Final Paper or your Little Mermaid paper returned, bring a stamped, self-addressed envelope with you to class and turn it in with your paper(s).
4) Be prepared to discuss your Final Paper for five minutes by answering these questions:
  a) Which film & text combination did you choose to write about?
  b) What is the theme of your paper?
  c) Why did you choose that film, text & theme?
  d) What is something (large or small) that you learned while writing or researching your Final Paper?

TALKING POINTS (for The Little Mermaid):
1) What passage in the fairy tale surprised you?
2) If you had already seen the film, how was watching it different this time (after having read the fairy tale)?
3) What are the themes of the film and the fairy tale?
4) How would you re-tell the movie's story from Sebastian's point of view?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Comedy: Reminders for 12/2

1) If you didn't see Burn After Reading in class, and if you haven't seen it elsewhere recently, be sure you do before class. We'll be discussing it in detail.
2) Be prepared to talk about your Final Paper. You'll have to tell the class: the films and theme you wrote about, why you chose those films and that theme, and something (large or small) that you learned while writing and researching your Final Paper.
3) If you want your Final Paper returned to you, be sure to bring a stamped, self-addressed envelope to class.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Comedy: Talking Points for 11/25

Which main character in Election do you consider the "best" (or most admirable) person? Why? We'll have an election of our own to determine the answer.

We'll also be watching Burn After Reading, but there is no short paper that goes with that film. We will, however, discuss it the following week.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Comedy for 11/18

Hi there. Long time, no see.

This Monday (11/18), I hope you remember, we have a kind of strange schedule:

6-7 pm, Final Paper conferences: Philip (6 pm), Imran (6:10), Sean (6:20), Erika (6:30), Kelvin (6:40), Luke (6:50).

7-8 pm, Pizza Party!

8-9 pm, More Final Paper conferences: Michael (8 pm), Kiley (8:10), Megan (8:20), Richard (8:30)

Please wait for your conference on the bench outside the hall to my office, and please arrive 5-10 minutes early.

For our party, please bring your own (non-alcoholic) beverage and $4 for the pizza. Also, remember that you'll need to have a joke to tell.

Sarah, we're all counting on you to get the pizza to our classroom by 7 pm! (Leave yourself plenty of time and bring the receipt, please.)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Adaptation for 11/14

After you've come down off the high of our awesome Pizza Party, it'll be time to focus on our next class. On 11/14, I'll be talking a lot about the film version of The Long Goodbye. You should be prepared to discuss the film and the novel.  Also, we'll watch The Little Mermaid.

Remember that our final class will be on Thursday, Dec. 5 in our usual room, NSC 148.  The time, however, will be different: 1-3:50 p.m.

Comedy for 11/11

Veterans Day

No Classes
Enjoy the Day

Friday, November 1, 2013

Adaptation: Reminders for 11/7

Here's our schedule:
3-4 pm: Final Paper conferences. (Meet me on the bench outside the hallway to my office.)
4-5 pm: Pizza Party.
5-6 pm: More Final Paper conferences. (Meet me on the bench outside the hallway to my office.)

For the Pizza Party:
1) Bring in $3.
2) Bring a beverage (non-alcoholic, of course).

The paper on The Long Goodbye is due.

Comedy for 11/4

Talking Points for Beetlejuice:
1) If you've seen this film before, did you see it differently this time?
2) Is it subversive? If so, what are its targets?
3) Why is the title the name of a supporting character?
4) What does this movie have to say about death?
5) Where is this movie's heart?

Don't forget your final paper conferences and try to arrive 5-10 minutes early. If you can't remember when your appointment is, email me.