Wednesday, July 30, 2014

American Film Artist: July 31, 2014

Wes Anderson
David Lynch

1) On Thursday (7/31), we will have our Final Exam. It will contain 50 multiple-choice questions and will be given during the last hour or so of class.

2) Be sure to bring a pink scantron and your correct student ID number with you.

3) After class on Thursday, I will be unavailable until the Fall semester starts. If there is an issue to address, it will have to wait until then.

4)  There is a very, very high bar for you to be allowed to make up the Final Exam. You will have to document your reason, and it will have to be something very serious like illness or a court appearance. (Pulling another shift at work or picking up your grandmother at the airport won't cut it.) Again, any fix will have to wait until the Fall term. Basically, be at that exam unless it is impossible.

5) Final Exam tip: A poster on a wall (in Mullholland Drive) that features actress Rita Hayworth is a key to one question.


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