Thursday, May 30, 2013

Honors Adaptation: Reminders & Talking Points

1) Bring Being There novella to class with two passages marked about television.
2) Read "The Wisdom of Eve" and find two passages that highlight the narrator's personality or tone.
3) Start reading ahead in Ghost World and find two places where important information is presented in a mainly visual way.
4) Continue reading The Long Goodbye and find three passages that paint word pictures.

Talking Points: Being There
1) What does the movie's walking-on-water ending mean?
2) Is this a political novella and/or movie?
3) What does the title mean?
4) Different characters see different things in Chance. How does each character see him?


  1. In the syllabus, it says to read "The Wisdom of Eve", are we to read that or Ghost World?

  2. Actually, you should finish reading "Wisdom" and start reading ahead on "Ghost." But thanks for pointing this out, Ryan. It was confusing on the blog. I've made a change to clarify things.
