1) Class meets 7 p.m.-9:50 p.m. on 5/4. (NOT 6 p.m.-8:50 p.m.)
2) We will probably meet in NSC 148, next door to our usual room (NSC 145). If we can't meet in NSC 148 for some reason, we'll meet in our usual room.
2) Your Final Paper is due at class time.
3) You should be prepared to talk about your Final Paper for five minutes or so, stating its theme, the films covered in the paper, why you chose that theme and those films, and something (large or small) that you learned in the course of writing or researching your paper.
4) If you want your Final Paper returned to you with comments, bring a SASE to class. (Please don't do this if all you want is to get your grade early. You will probably get your paper back AFTER your final grade is posted.)
5) Be prepared to discuss Gods and Monsters.