Sunday, August 24, 2014

Comedy for 8/27/14

Harpo, Chico & Groucho Marx
This week, we'll be watching the Marx Brothers in A Night at the Opera. Before class, please read the review of the movie I handed out last time.

Bring any comments or questions you may have about our syllabus. We'll spend a few minutes on that, too.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Adaptation for 8/25

Great first class meeting!

This week, we'll be watching Rear Window, considered to be one of Hitchcock's greatest thrillers. Be sure to have read the short story that goes with it by class time and to bring any questions or comments about the reading with you to class.
We'll also take another quick look at the syllabus and the "18 Tips." Again, questions and comments are welcome.
See you in class!