Friday, April 26, 2013

All My Classes

Thanks to all my students for an amazingly edifying semester. Have a great summer!

I'll be posting less until the summer semester(s) begin(s).

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adaptation: Reminder

Don't forget that our Final Exam is on Thursday, April 25, at 1 p.m. in our usual classroom. Remember to bring a SASE with you if you'd like your exam (or exam grade) sent to you. No exam grades will be available by email or phone.

Expository Writing: Reminder

Our last class is Wednesday, April 24. Your final paper is due by class time on that day. Don't forget to bring a SASE if you want the paper back. Also, come to class prepared to talk about your final paper and to answer these questions:
1) Which films did you write about?
2) What is your paper's theme?
3) Why did you choose that theme and those films?
4) What is something, big or small, that you learned while researching and writing that paper?

Honors Comedy

Our last class is 4/22.  Your final paper is due. If you'd like it back, remember to bring a SASE. Be prepared to discuss Burn After Reading and to talk about your final paper. What's your theme and what films did you write about? Why did you choose that film and those themes? What is something, large or small, that you learned while writing and researching your final paper?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Adaptation: Reminders

Reminders for 4/18:
1) We'll go over Test III.
2) We'll review for the exam.
3) Come to class with any additional thoughts and questions on the material we've covered.
4) New material for the exam will be introduced.

Reminder for 4/25.
The final exam will be held in our usual room on 4/25, 1-2:20 p.m.
Bring a SASE to the exam if you want to know your exam grade.
No grades will be made available by email or phone.

Expository Writing: Talking Points & Reminders

Talking Points for Lost in Translation:
1) Would you call this film a comedy?
2) Who is alienated in it?
3) How is it similar to The Graduate?

1) Paper 4 is due this week (4/17) by class time.
2) Final Paper is due 4/24 by class time. Bring SASE if you want it back.

Law in Film: Talking Points & Reminder

Talking Points for Anatomy of a Murder:
1) What legal issues are raised by this movie?
2) Does this film remind you of any others we've seen this semester?
3) Does anything in this movie strike you as dated?
4) What do you think of the prosecuting attorneys?

Be prepared to discuss your final paper by answering these questions:
1) Which films did you choose?
2) What is the theme of your paper?
3) Why did you choose those films and that theme?
4) What is one thing -- large or small -- that you learned as you wrote and researched this paper?

Criticism: Talking Points & Reminders

Talking Points for Sweet Smell of Success:
1) Do you like anyone in this film?
2) Is this movie film-noiry enough?
3) If Manhattan were a character in this film, what sort of character would it be?
4) What's your favorite line of dialogue in this film?

1) Your final paper is due this week, 4/16.
2) The paper on Sweet Smell of Success is due this week.
3) Bring a SASE if you want either paper back.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Honors Comedy: Talking Points

For Election:
1) How does the movie subvert political correctness?
2) Does it remind you of any actual elections?
3) Who's the best person in it, in your opinion? Why?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Adaptation: Reminders

This coming week (4/11), come to class with your text of The Long Goodbye. Be sure to have three passages of vivid description to share.

TEST III is also this week (4/11).

The final exam will be on 4/25, 1-2:20 p.m.

Expository Writing: Reminders

This coming class (4/10), we'll be watching Lost in Translation. The film will start almost immediately at 4 pm and there will be no official break. Please plan to be on time.

After the film, there will be final paper conferences in my office.
The order of those conferences will be Melvin, Sabrine, Canon, Maria, Morgen, Olivia, Leah, Gil, Alex and Jesse.

Law in Film: Long Movie

Anatomy of a Murder
This coming week (4/9), our movie, Anatomy of a Murder, is quite long -- 160 minutes, in fact. Because of this, there will be no official break.

If you have any unresolved issues about your final papers, please make it your job to resolve them.

Criticism: Talking Points

Roger Ebert

This coming week (4/9) we'll revisit the question of the critic's mission. Think about these aspects of that mission and come to class with any others you may have in mind:
1) To provide information to the reader.
2) To make recommendations for the reader.
3) To educate the reader.
4) To start a discussion with the reader.

Honors Comedy: Reminder

We're having our party this coming Monday (4/8) from 7-8 p.m.
Final paper conferences for that evening include:
6 pm: Jessica & Julie, 6:15: Kristin & Kayley, 6:30: Joanna, 6:45: Eric & Taylor.
8 pm: Lauren & Felicia, 8:15: Katie, 8:30 Scott.

Please wait on the bench outside the corridor to my office for your conference. Please be there 10 minutes early.

Don't forget your joke for the party!